Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Give the Best in You

Today, I pause from normal thoughts on general love to focus on someone most special to me, my wife. Today is her birthday and I want to personally salute the woman who has made me better.
On last evening, I saw a very bold and powerful stage production entitled, Fences, by August Wilson. This now-Broadway production features two very popular actors, Denzel Washington and Viola Davis. In Wilson's production, Denzel plays the role of a very proud and strong man named Troy. Viola depicts his wife, Rose, a quiet, but just as strong feminine opposite. After 18 years of supposed good marriage, trouble creeps into their home and they find themselves, along with their bonds of their marriage, at a crossroad. Troy's infidelity has caused a foundation that appeared to be so strong to be shaken. Rose's character explodes on stage at the initial onset of the news from Troy that he has fathered a child outside of their marriage and plans to maintain his relationship with his mistress, Alberta. Rose is distraught and very angry in that she has invested 18 years in the marriage and Troy doesn't really seem to care about what they have built together. One would think that after such a long time together, a "fence" would have been built high enough to keep out anything that would come in to harm what the preacher would say "God put together." With other plots and subplots coupled together through this journey of life on stage that so many can relate to in real life, tragedy hits home for Troy and Rose. Rose has to make a decision to allow this newborn child into her home and she must decide if she will help rear this child.

During her monologue, she exclaims to Troy that she gave him the best years of her life. She makes it very clear that she could have taken the opportunities that she had to enjoy her individual life, to sleep around, to hang out, party and live a calloused lifestyle. She thought that as she stood in the arms of marriage for almost two decades that she wasn't standing alone and that was all of the motivation she needed to continue to stand. Troy's response resounded in that he said that he loved her with his all. He gave her his all, his blood, sweat, tears, responsibility, care, protection and he loved he the best way he knew how, but the other woman offered him something that she didn't. She allowed him to laugh and be free. She allowed him to smile again, something that he lost many years ago in their early years.
Examine both characters without judging and you will see that in their own way, they gave the best in them. Because of their own perceptions of their responsibilities as spouses, they felt they offered the BEST of what was inside of them. I am certainly not justifying or celebrating infidelity. I say this. I celebrate Ayesha on her birthday today because continues to give me the best in her. She has never loved me half-heartedly. She has never offered me left-over love, but she has maintained our home, remained an active participant in cultivating our relationship and proven progressive on supporting the vision for our lives as husband and wife. Our goal remains to continue to give each other the best in us. Make sure you take time to love your friends, your spouses and your loved ones by giving them the best in you. Look inside and make sure that no matter what you do, who you love, who you serve or may come in contact with, you are found giving them the best that lies in you. Greatness is a choice. That's what you will be remembered for. While none of us are perfect, who really wants to be remembered for making the wrong choices, saying the wrong things, doing the wrong deeds? I am certain that Ayesha has had to make choices in her life to give me or someone else, the best or the worst in her. I believe she chose the best. Each day is a day to give someone the best that lies in you. If we have Christ, then the best already lies in you, but it's up to us to give it. There is nothing that I have done that causes Ayesha to be who she is. When I met her, she was a vessel already actively giving people the best in her. I met her serving in her church, being a shining light to her friends and remaining a leader among her peers. When you have the best in you, the best will come out. Many thanks to my inspirations, Ayesha Daniels and August Wilson. This blog-tribute is just a piece of the best in me! Enjoy this Anita Baker tune via Youtube.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday to your lovely wife! Great tribute!
