Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gentlemen, gather 'round...

Fellas, fellas, fellas, I just want to remind you of something - love your wives.

Life is very rewarding. Life is very demanding. Life takes up a great deal of our time, but it should never consume us to the point where we relax in loving our wives. Women are a gift from God. They are special and strong, but fragile - priceless, yet valuable. Let's not forget our wives in the process of making life happen. It is very possible for a husband and wife to live in the same home for years and lose the connection that first drew them together. Keep love fresh and new. Splurge on her dude. Try something new. Participate in a different activity that brings her joy. It is a true saying - "A happy wife is a happy life."

As men, we have a tendency to get caught up in our world of our own activities and duties. A real man wants to provide for his home and handle the things of the home. There is a great sense of gratification that a man feels when he knows he has things like the yard, the trash, the automobiles up to par. Trust me, it's not that ladies cannot handle these things. I have already told you that wives are strong, but when there is a man in the home, he should take joy in providing in that manner. Don't let, however, those things rob you of some of the softer things you should be doing with your spouse. There are times when your wife that wants you in her presence, relaxing, sharing, cooking together, talking late at night, taking long walks and simply put...shutting your cell phone off for just a while.

I challenge you, as the husband of your own home, to be the leader and love intensely and love intently. The Bible says, "Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church - a lovemarked by giving, not getting. Christ's love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring out the best in her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They're really doing themselves a favor - since they're already "one" in marriage." ~Ephesians 5:24 - 26 (Message Bible) There should be an intensity in how you love your spouse. Intensity will cause you to act when you really don't feel like it. Maintain your drive to please God and the woman in your life. Intensity denotes a drive that's stronger than average. Intensity denotes passion, vigor, emotion, a high degree or extreme toward something. Serve your wife with generous doses of intense love.

Also, love intently. Marriage is not a haphazard event, but should be thought through carefully. I encourage you to love your wives intently. Let each moment count. Rise with a purpose for your marriage. Rest after that purpose has manifested. Deliberately think of ways that you can improve your marriage. If you purpose within yourself to make your marriage the best if can be, then it will improve. Sometimes, we see all of the ways in which our wives can improve or do things differently, but often times, the change has to come in us first. The truth of the matter is that some of the things you may want your wife to change will never change. Therefore, the change must occur in you. Marriage must be an intentional love. It is planned. Why intentional you may ask? It has to be intentional because you may experience days and moments when you don't feel like loving. Love is an action word and while you may love your spouse, you may not feel up to doing the physicial things that it takes to show that you love. Because of the humanism we possess, serve your wife generous doses of intentional love. You'll be glad you did. Loving intently will cause you to give your wife that hug that she really desires when you don't feel like hugging. Loving intently will make you rise and run that errand that you may not feel like running. Loving intently will cause you to listen and not be so quick to cut her off or shut her out, knowing that your intentional love is going to be a benefit for you both.

Gentlemen, if we take one step toward making marriage and home better by loving intensely and intently, the wife that loves you will take two.